Thought you might like to read this. This is from Jerry's wife Myrle in the Philippines. She will be here to visit the middle of May with her daughter Catrina -before the cruise. Anyway, Catrina is 10 years old and a wonderful little girl. Very smart and full of energy. I do love her. Below is what her mother said that she said.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
SOOOO glad you are still planning to come with us to the Cruise.
Somebody sent us the website of Katie Doll (Jerry,
Kathy or Mary?). Catrina & I did look into it and
prayed for her. Catrina even said that if something
like that happens to her (God forbids!), she wants
somebody to make a website like that for her too.
Will keep Katie Doll in our prayers...
Catrina wants to visit Katie when we get there. Not
sure if this is possible at all. -Love, Myrle
A friend of mine, Randy Black, notified me about the unfortunate
circumstances of Miss Katie Doll.
There are currently over 200 prayer partners with Lighthouse Prayer
Line. I thought it was appropriate to let you know that we have been
diligently praying for her safe recovery.
Please let us know how she progresses. I've even had several close
Christian friends wanting to visit. Her website has already touched many of us.
Mark Seay
Lighthouse Prayer Line
ps - Keep trusting and looking up to Jesus.
hey this is katies katies cousin and i cant wait untill i can play with her again ... i have been telling everybody about her and i told them to keep her in there prayers. i know that god can make miricles and he is going to do that for katie love hannah epps

Hi, my name is Karen and my daughter's name is Keely. We visited Praise Cathedral during the time of Katie's accident and heard about it there.
We also visited the Blind Horse Benefit and will attend The Pizza Inn Benefit as well. What a blessing to know you have so many people who love and support you. I looked at the large crowd at the Blind Horses Benefit and knew that one day they too will know they are all a part of Katie's full recovery and will hear her tremendous testimony!
While my daughter and I were at the Blind Horse Benefit we met Tom, she recognized him from the site and she insisted we have the peanuts because "Katie says you can't have just one and I am hungry for them too". She watches the videos and prays daily for her as well. She made a card for Katie and gave it to Tom for her while we were there.
Thank you for the time and sacrifice you make keeping the Katie Doll Site up-to-date for all of us who check it on a regular basis. I repost the condition report on my site for all the hundreds of people to continue to lift her and Lynn and the family and friends in PRAYER. I even have people in Switzerland and Italy who pray daily for her!
I would love to meet you one day, you are a very strong and precious family and we love and feel connected to you even though we have never met.
You will continue to remain in our prayer daily.
May the Peace that passes all understanding be yours through our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST,
Karen and Keely Lyons
Untitled.......Inspired by Katie
I am just an angel
Sent from my Lord above
To sow His seeds of happiness
And share His amazing love
I'm not sure how long I will be here
He never said when my journey would end
Im just trying to earn my angel wings
By being a loving friend
I came to stand beside you
When you need someone to be there
And to wipe the tears away from your eyes
When you need someone to care
I came to bring you laughter
When your day was way too long
And to lift you up and give you rest
When you need strength to carry on
I look just like a normal child
For my halo you cannot see
I sing and laugh and dance and play
With a spirit that is free
I will always be here beside you
When you need someone to care
Even when you cannot see me
I promise I am always there
I am just an angel
Sent from my Lord above
To sow His seeds of happiness
And share His amazing love
I'm not sure how long I will be here
He never said when my journey would end
Im just trying to earn my angel wings
By being a loving friend
hi! this is jordan one of katies friends. when i was in 4th grade i didn't know her that well but in 5th when me and her did newspaper staff together we would always joke around and hang out. me and katie have alot in common and i love her and would do anything for her, i keep her in my prayers and everyday when i go to school i think about her smile. me and katie also did a track team together this year and when i heard about katies accident i said " im running for katie." everyday in track we have a moment of silence just to pray for katie and i pray and dont let any time go to waste. I LOVE U GIRL! MISS U TO! :] gods with you. and lynn and the family remember we love her and we love u too!
hi, my name is courtney gardner and i cant quit looking at katies website. I feel so bad for you katie and wish you good luck. I am 10 and in the fourth grade at hunt meadows elementary school. Hope you feel better.
Katie it's your BFF Allie. I remember a day in 2nd grade when I went to her birthday it was really fun. We jumped on the trampoline alot. And when Brandon let the pig out and it chased us. I really want to say god bless her and I hope she gets better.Then we can play and laugh again.
- Allie Johnson
My name is Frank King. I am from Collierville, Tn. A friend of mine told me about your site. After reading the updates I wanted to tell you to keep faith and hope, stay diligent with Katies care, expect the best and demand the best from her care givers. The reason I say this my daughter Allie, 15 years old, had an accident on her horse the morning of September 3rd of 2007. She suffered a tramatic brain injury and was life flighted to our local medical center in Memphis in a coma. Four weeks later she continued to be nonresponsive in a coma. At this point the prognosis was not good and we decided to move her to a specialized hospital September 26th, 2007. Four weeks later she woke from her coma. We also have a site that we detailed her daily progress
Thankyou so much Frank. As Shephards will not take anyone under 15, I have contacted Childrens in Atlanta and they are looking into Katies case for potential re-hab. They cannot take her until she has the drain situation resolved. -Tom
Everyone told us that Allie would be dependent on our care the rest of her life. She was to be confined to a wheelchair and with little to no response. Today she is walking, talking and will attend summer school to try and catch up with her class. She will be going Friday to try to get her drivers license. She is very independent and working hard to get better. Miracles happen through prayer and faith. We will continue to add Katie and her family to our prayers. If you need anything or just an ear of experience to listen, you can contact me anytime at 901-331-8403.
Frank King
Your website was brought to my attention by Frank King of Memphis. The Kings are close friends of ours and their daughter, Allie, is my daughter, Julia's, BFF. The pictures on your home page of friends and family, nurses and Katie are so reminiscent of Allie's time spent in The Med here in Memphis. I can't help but believe that Katie's progress yesterday was an increase in prayers for her, and I can't help but believe that Frank finding your website was not divine. I rejoice with your in her baptism and her public profession.
Allie is a living example of the incredible miracles that the Lord provides every day. I prayed for Allie at 11:11 everyday while she was in the Shepherd Center in Atlanta. I still pray for her and I will be adding Katie to my 11:11 prayer time. So if the clock catches your eye at 11:11, know that a prayer is being said. We don't know Katie, but we do love her. -Julie Stephens
Dear Katie,
I am praying for you.I hope that you get well soon.I know that God is with you wherever you go .I love you,God bless you!!
Love,Brianna Jade Peace.
dear katie,
i am very sorry about the accident that you had.i love you and i am praying for every day and every night.God bless you.
Hello Tom,
I really appreciate the website.
My name is Jim Wiese, and my son Matthew had an almost identical go cart accident last September. He didn't even have a scratch (except a badly fractured scull and a massive brain injury). He was instantly unconcious and almost didn't survive the med flight and was given zero chance of surviving the brain swelling. But through Gods blessing and tons of prayers, Matthew survived. It has been 8 months of roller coaster rides, but we are chugging along. My son has gone through much of what Katie seems to be going through and several people thought I should try to contact the Katie's family and maybe share experiences or discuss the medical treatments. If you want to find out about Matthew, his web site is We have mentioned Katie a few times and provided the link to our prayer warriors. Matthew is still in a vegataive state after 8 months but we finally have him medically stable and he has been home for 6 months. I suspect Katies parents will need to almost become doctors just as we have had to do, to keep Matthew alive and out of the hospitals.
Could you please forward this to Katie's parents and see if they would like to communicate with us.
Thanks, Jim Wiese 27840 Meadowgreen Drive Toney, AL 35773... 256-423-8837 home
Hi Katie, parents, and loved ones,
I just received Katie's webpage from Dr. Cooper, and am amazed and smiling at the love and support Katie is shown. As I am sure you know, I have been through similar circumstances, and you have probably read about my case through articles or seen my documentary. I would love to help in any way I can. I am available to answer any questions about my own experiences. Feel free to contact me at, if you would like. I will pray for Katie and the family. It looks like you have a great medical team, and friends and family behind her. I had strong family and friends supporting me also, and their love was vital. You don't know how much that support will help. Let me know if I can help! God bless, -Candice Ivey
Hello, my name is Shelley and I am the flight nurse that took care of Katie on the helicopter transport to Greenville Memorial Hospital. I have been getting frequent updates from the Pediatric ICU nurses on Katie's progression. I had another patient that spent time in the PICU come by the base today and they shared with me about a girl named Katie who really touched there lives while staying in the PICU they then informed me of Katie's website. I was so excited to see the website and to see Katie's progression. I must say that as a flight nurse I come into people's lives at the worst moment and outcomes are not always as miraculous as Katie's. Katie really touched my life that day from the moment I got into the back of the ambulance and started assessing her. There was just something about Katie that opened my eyes and changed my life forever. I spent many nights praying for her as I know many others did. I remember the day that I found out how well she was progressing..........I wanted to shout out so loud with excitment!!!! Katie is definitely a miracle!! Who knew such a little girl could touch so many lives!! -Shelley, Flight NurseMed-Trans One Greenville, SC
Hello Tom
This is Keri, the Service Coordinator from Bright Start that just began working with Katie and the Doll family. I just wanted to say thank you again for the website. Having not known Katie prior to the accident, I have very much enjoyed seeing the pictures, experiencing the videos, and reading the emails from Katie's friends. Through your efforts with the website I feel like I know her a little bit better. I also appreciate the condition updates, it is a nice way to check in without having to inconvenience anyone. I am hopeful that we will get Katie back home soon, comfortable with her family. Furthermore, I am hopeful that I will hear Katie's laughter in person. Take care! Sincerely, Keri McCarthy
I KNOW that Katie Is going to get better!!!
I KNOW that because, Katie is a Fighter!!!
I am proud what katie has done this year!!
I have Faith in the Lord!!!
Jesus can do anything to Katie!!!
Katie has been my FRIEND sence Brandon and Chase has!!
I have been following Katie's story and have it posted to my favorites. We have been praying for her in my Sunday School class and have her story posted on our bulliten board. I would love to visit but for now it will be through my prayers and best wishes.
In October of 2002 my fiance received a small bowell transplant at MUSC, Charleston. At one point they advised me to notify his family that they were giving him 24 hours to live. He was comatose. With the loving grace of our Lord, he survived but told me that he could hear EVERYTHING that was said and knew EVERYTHING that was being done. In my heart I felt that he knew I was talking to him because a small tear would trickle from his eye once in awhile. He told me that it was very fustrating to not be able to communicate back with us but loved it when I would talk to him like he could hear me. I tell you this so you will read to Katie, talk to her like she can hear you, because she can....and one day she will tell you all about it...and maybe even fuss a little. :) Continue to tell her how much you love her and encourage if I have to tell you that...Play her favorite music and maybe some new music from her favorite artists and sing along with them. Anything that will keep her stimulated. She is such a beautiful young lady and with Gods Grace she will be healed and whole again soon. She is young and strong and as we can tell a fighter. If there is ANYTHING I can do, at all, for you please let me know. If a yard sale is planned I have so much STUFF that I would be more than happy to contribute. My name is Linda and I can be reached from God Bless you.
I'm so glad that Katie is at her house!!!
I went and saw her Tuesday Night and she looked like Katie!!
Her Eyes are crystals blue like before!!!
With Lots and Lots of hug -Anna Lanier
I've been keeping up w/ Katie from the start, my niece goes to Tigerville Elem also.. Just so Katie's mom knows, I was in a car wreck 15 yr ago, I was thrown from my car while it was in a roll, I suffered TBI & was in a coma for 6 weeks..I was in the same state that Katie is in now for weeks..From my experience, Katie CAN hear u at times, I remember at times hearing my family talk to me and I'd get so frustrated b/c I wasn't able to communicate back..I recall Doctors & Nurses around me but didn't understand why..I didn't realize I had an accident.. Being in a coma is like being in a constant dream state not being able to wake up....Katie is fighting everyday to come back...And I stress it's a fight EVERYDAY to wake up..Some just win that fight sooner than others..I just thought it would help her Mom to know her beautiful Little Girl is still in there and fighting to get back to her and her family..Keep talking to her and playing Cd's etc....She does hear her surroundings at times... Sense my accident I have had a son whom I have raised by myself and living in my own home..And I do it from a wheelchair..I consider myself lucky b/c I can walk some..
I will continue to pray for Katie and check in on her daily..Thank you so much Tom for taking the time to post Katie's progress...If there is ANYTHING I can do, please feel free to email me and I'll give u my # if Lynn needs to talk to anyone who has been where her daughter is..... Bless you..Shannon
My daughter Kaitlyn Berube goes to Tigerville Elementry and that is how our family learned about Katie. We check the progress of Katie almost every day and we are so excited that she is doing better. I wanted to let your family know that we were just in Massachusetts for one month and a week and we have the bumper sticker on our van. Lots of people looked at it and a few asked what is I love Katie doll .com and I am sure a lot of people have been on the site reading and praying for Katie. Our friends and family from 900 miles away are thinking and praying for Katie and your family. Someday soon we are going to go to get peanuts and meet the peanut man he seems like a great person with a big heart!!! The Duffy's / Berube's
(had to post this one-tom)
Katie had such a wonderful personality and touched so many people. I count myself blessed to have had her touch my life. She was truly a joy to teach. -1st Grade teacher SHERYL SANE
Dear Ms Doll and Mr Lowe.
When I first saw this beautiful girl here in cold Sweden, I got amazed by her strong will to fight. All the love you give her makes me feel happy. When she smiles she gets me to smile too, cause I feel her sense of humor.
I check the condition update everyday, and for everytime I read I get lots more happy. I'm really glad that she keeps getting better and better for every day.
Tell her and her family that I wish you all the best as possible. I think of her everyday, and I pray for her that she'll get well. And I'm sure she's gonna do.
Happy birthday, Katie! You're the best! I can't wait to read more of your progress.
I wish all the best deep from my heart to the Doll family, and the P-nut guy too. Sincerely from Lovisa in Sweden.
Dear Mr Low,
I'm from Germany and found the Katie Youtube videos some weeks ago, then visited the website. And from the first moment I was fascinated by this little girl and her wonderful blue eyes and her smile!
I read lots of the homepage, really made with love from you!
Tell her all the best from Berlin, Germany! Here's someone some thousand miles away thinking on her very often, wishing her all the best and to come back again more and more every little step on every day! She's a beautiful girl and will do it.
You're the best, Katie, Happy Birthday!! Hier klicken!
Hope to read about her progresses!
Many greets and all the best from my heart to the Doll family and the "P-nut guy", -Melanie